Headmaster MCQs Test App Description
The best solution for the Preparation of Headmaster MCQs Test and Interview conducted by PPSC, FPSC, NTS and Other Commissioned Services of Pakistan.
Headmaster MCQs Test App is the best one and the easiest way to get yourself prepared for the Posts of Headmaster/Deputy Headmaster/Headmistress and Senior Headmaster/Deputy District Education officer through PPSC (Punjab Public Service Commission), FPSC (Federal Public Service Commission), NTS (National Testing Service) and other competitive services of Pakistan. Now there is no need to buy and go through different books for the preparation of Headmaster Test which have lot of mistakes that causes your wastage of finance as well as time. This App is designed according to the syllabus of B.Ed., General Principles of Teaching and Pedagogy as mention by PPSC and FPSC with the consultation of professionals and successful candidates of Headmaster Tests. You can use Headmaster MCQs Test App Freely. We will keep updating the App to provide our user the best experience. We will welcome your feedback for the App improvement.
This app also helps for the preparation of B.Ed., M.Ed. courses and for the post of Lecturer Education, SS Education and SSS Education.
Headmaster MCQs Test App Categories:
The App has 9 main categories as follows and more than 100 subcategories which comprises of quizzes.
➡️ Assessment and Evaluation
➡️ Curriculum Development
➡️ Education in Pakistan
➡️ Educational Psychology
➡️ Pedagogy
➡️ Philosophy of Education
➡️ Research Methodology
➡️ School and Classroom Management
➡️ Past Papers
Practice Mode: In which you can make preparation
Test Mode: In which you can testify your preparation
Search Question: You can search any question by Key word having right spelling
Submit Question: You can submit questions what you think are important.
Report Question: You can report a question which has a wrong answer
Score: You can see your test score
Explanation: You can see or add explanation of each question in Preparation mode.
Question of the Day: Daily question of the day helps you to assess yourself.
Completely Free and Easy to Use